Posts Tagged With: August Alsina

Chris Brown – One Hell of a Nite Tour

Sometimes I let people talk me into concerts that I wouldn’t have gone to on my own. A lot of times these shows turn out to be great and I’m happy that I went. Few shows are a letdown. This one was definitely one of them.

I don’t know too many Chris Brown songs to begin with and from those I know I only like 3-4. So one could say that’s not a very good premise for going to a show. On the other hand, I love those good old entertainment shows with a lot of show elements, singing and dancing, and I was sure that Chris Brown would put on something like that.

Well, he tried, but he didn’t succeed!

First off, his management or tour agent or whoever made it difficult to enjoy the evening from the very beginning. Imagine a V-shaped stage and inside this V, you have an area where people can stand. Best spots in the house for sure. Now, who do you put inside? Take a guess: a) people who paid $995 for a special package including a meet & greet, b) people who paid €100 extra to get in early, c) people who waited outside early to get in first, d) people who came shortly before the show started. Chris Brown’s management decided to let group a) (about 10 people) and d) (about 150 people) inside. Can anybody explain that decision to me? What a punch in the face of his fans!

Anyway, the show itself started with opening acts. FOUR opening acts, including Kid Ink and August Alsina. The sound was crappy and the pushing and shoving in the crowd didn’t make it any more pleasant to stand there and wait. Finally, at quarter to ten, the opening acts were over and a voice announced that the show would start in 15 minutes. 15 minutes later, that same voice announced, the show would start in 15 minutes… Well, at half past 10, Chris Brown finally made it on stage. At that point I had already thought about going home…

Now, he still could have changed course with a brilliant show, but unfortunately he lost himself in mediocrity (and that’s putting it mildly). It didn’t help that he lip-synched most of the songs – and badly lip-synched so you could easily tell. I would have understood, if he had had a lot of choreographies to dance to, but he hadn’t. I didn’t even think he could dance very well, which surprised me most, because I remember videos where he did dance well. I wonder if he has some kind of health problem because he didn’t look well, either, his cheeks even looked sunken. But maybe that’s just me…

As I was not absorbed in the show, I couldn’t help but listen to the songs and especially the lyrics, which didn’t make it better. Yes, I sometimes even enjoy some of them “gangsta”-lyrics, although they are shallow as hell, but Chris Brown’s lyrics are so plain and so stereotypical… It’s all about drink and fuck and hoes and smoke weed… I wonder what kind of an influence this has on teenagers – because the audience was mostly teens and twens. My demands may be too high, but I always feel that stars should be aware of the influence they have on their followers so they should be careful with what they sell them as desirable behavior and rather be a good example to give them the right ideals and a positive outlook on life. I should have known from his history that Chris Brown just cannot be a positive role model. Unfortunately, he also could not put on a good show.

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